The Dark Side of Big-Name Flex Office Operators
There have been some pretty troubling things happening in the flexible office space industry lately and it’s leaving a lot of landlords in an unpleasant situation. In this article, Launch CEO Mike Kriel discusses what’s happening, how many landlords are falling into the trap, and how to avoid it from the outset.
3 Questions to Determine Flex Office Suitability
As the future of work evolves, the workspace will need to act accordingly. But how can you decide whether flexible office space is right for your portfolio? Launch CEO Mike Kriel weighs in.
How to Open Cowork Space for Less Than $10 per Square Foot
Now more than ever, it’s possible to open a high-quality coworking space in your building for a low cost. In this article, Launch CEO Mike Kriel explains how you can do it for less than $10 per square foot.
Bypassing Brokers: The Direct Path to Flexible Office Spaces
In the post-pandemic world, commercial real estate brokers are mishandling their relationships with building owners and flexible office space operators. Launch CEO Mike Kriel explains why this is problematic, and what you can do about it.
What Economic Cycles Might Mean for the Flex Office Industry
In the face of inflation and a loom recession, flexible office space can actually make your building more recession-safe. Launch CEO Mike Kriel weighs in on why.
Reducing Workplace Liability: How Flexibility Makes Your Office an Asset
Once seen as essential, the office has now become more of a liability than an asset in the eyes of many businesses. But it doesn’t have to be that way. But when it’s viewed through a more modern and flexible lens.