Close-Knit Professional Community
Every Launch Workplaces location is a melting pot of professionals and businesses spanning a diverse array of industries.
Facilitated Networking Opportunities
It’s all about who you know which is why we believe in the value of offering facilitated introductions between members and supporting collaboration within our professional community.
Professional Development and Networking Events
Building connections and sharpening your professional tools are vital in growing your business so we host monthly social, networking, and professional development events for our members.
Charitable Activities
We believe in building a strong community, both within our walls and throughout Maryland, so we utilize eco-friendly practices and host monthly member-led Launch Into Good Works charitable activities to give back and to do some good.
Wellness Initiatives
To do great work, you need to look after your mind and body, so we support self-care with our Launch Into Wellness initiatives which include free monthly sessions focused on nurturing your physical and mental wellbeing.